Sunday, May 31, 2009

Location, Location, Location...

"So, where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?"

-Christina Aguilera, 2000

Do you think this amendment abuse is:
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Missed your morning paper, Mr. President?

"In case you missed it, this week there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died--an entire town destroyed."

-President Barack Obama, on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

Do you think this amendment abuse is:
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

Update (6/7): It was brought to our attention by a visitor that this amendment abuse have a source. President Obama's comments were made at a campaign rally in Richmond, VA. His remarks and gaffe are covered here at MSNBC and here at Fox News. 

They may be an interesting topic to discuss. 
Politicians, company CEOs, and even parents can often get caught up in the "fervor" of an environment and make grave communication errors to help their cause. How damaging is this amendment abuse? 

Friday, May 29, 2009

I don't see the similarity...

" They can criticize you without even knowing you, and hate you when they don't even know you. All of a sudden, you're, like, the bin Laden of America. Osama bin Laden is the only one who knows exactly what I'm going through."

-Rapper R. Kelly, 2003, comments to press after court hearing on child pornography charges

Do you think this amendment abuse is:
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

R.I.P Your Intelligence...

"Smoking kills. And if you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

-Actress and Model Brooke Shields, 1982, during interview to become spokeswoman for a federal anti-smoking campaign

Do you think this amendment abuse is:
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

History Buff? No, just buff.

"I can't really remember the names of the clubs we went to."

-Basketball Star, Shaquille O'Neal,when asked if he visited the Parthenon during a trip to Greece

Do you think this amendment abuse is
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Not the typical heroin addict?

When I pictured heroin, I pictured some crazy crackhead with no shoes under a bridge. You never think that is going to be you. And it never was me. I was never under a bridge, and I always had shoes."

-Socialite and Recovering Heroin Addict Nicole Richie, 2007, in an interview with Nylon Magazine

Do you think this amendment abuse is:
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another Miss South Carolina on our hands...

"I get to go to overseas places, like Canada."

-Singer Britney Spears, 1999, quoted in the Toronto Star, when asked about the perks of fame

What do you think about this amendment abuse:
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dear Laura, thank you for your compassion...

"So many of the people in the arenas here were under-privileged anyway. This is working very well for them."

- Former First Lady Barabra Bush, September 2005, American Public Media's "Marketplace" Program, on the conditions in the Astrodome following the Hurricane Katrina disaster

Do you think this amendment abuse is:
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

Update (6/7): Seem too bad to be true? Read about this gaffe here, at Editor And Publisher Online Magazine

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