Friday, June 5, 2009

McCain: President or Hills Fan?

"I'm honored to have Heidi's support and I want to assure her that I never miss an episode of The Hills, especially since the new season started."

– Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, to TIME Magazine, on getting The Hills' Heidi Montag's vote

Do you think this amendment abuse is:
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Snoop Dogg, just like Taylor?

" Country musicians are just like us. They smoke weed, get drunk, go to jail. But they just wear the little hats."

-Snoop Dogg, introducing his Johnny Cash-inspired song, "My Medicine"

Do you think this amendment abuse is:
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Attention Shoppers!

" What's Wal-Mart? Do they like make walls there? "

-Paris Hilton, 2003 The Simple Life

Do you think this amendment abuse is:
Horrendous, Heinous, or Hilarious?

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